1 рік гарантії на штори

Наші штори пройшли сертифікацію OEKO-TEX

VELUX Maintenance Kits

If you want to prolong the longevity of your VELUX roof window or simply give it a touch up, this is the place to look.

VELUX offers a range of products that will come in handy if you want to replace an air filter, repair a scratch, lubricate hinges, paint your window or give it a new and shiny lacquer.

Maintenance kit for VELUX roof windows (ZZZ 220)

This service set for both wooden and polyurethane roof windows is a great do-it-yourself product that can help you prolong the longevity of window. We recommend that you lubricate fittings and hinges at least once a year.

Free delivery

  • Змащувач для завіс і клямок
  • Повітряний фільтр 3 м
  • Піна для вентиляційного клапана на 2–5 мансардних вікон 3 м

1 020,00 ₴